Hospital Training
Available Now!
Request form below.
In-Unit Education
Have a pediatric nurse come to your unit, classroom, fire station, etc.
Education topics during class:
Vascular Access
Special Needs Patients
Respiratory Emergencies
Misc Peds Tips and Tricks
Remote Trainging
Remote training available with a pediatric nurse if preferred.
We will teach the course remotely and provide the PDF for your department to distribute.
Objectively Proven Data
Our training has been designed by our pediatric nurses with data taken from our clinical study highlighting:
IV location
Education Material
We provide a variety of educational material including:
Educational handouts
Badge buddies
QR stickers for peds crash carts with infant and newborn IV video. for unit refreshers on any smart phone.
PDF/PowerPoint presentation coving all things pediatrics designed by bedside pediatric nurses.
Family Centered Care
Pediatric Assessment Triangle
Age-appropriate communication
IV assessment, approach, and execution.
Autism and special needs assessment and care.
Suctioning Techniques
Firefly Vein Light® Discounts
Bulk order discounts on our Firefly Vein Light® Model 2.0*.
Firefly Education Information
Want a pediatric nurse to come teach in your unit?
Inquire below for rates and availability.